Edgy Ych - Edgy — adj nervous anxious, critical, excitable, excited, high strung, ill at ease, impatient, irascible, irritable, keyed up*, overstrung, restive, restless, skittish, tense, touchy, uneasy, uptight. Posted by kopler Tuesday, April 7, 2020 Related PostsWholesome - Wholesome synonyms, wholesome pronunciation, wholesome translation, english dictionary definition of wholesome.The Mandalorian Episode 5 - Throughout, the episode does slow down for lingering shots reminiscent of westerns and samurai showdowns.My Hero Academia Saison 1 Streaming / My hero academia ova 5 make it!Bleach Streaming Vostfr - Après l'arrêt de diffusion de l'anime iii. Home 4K HD Images Pictures Wallpapers Edgy Ych - Edgy — adj nervous anxious, critical, excitable, excited, high strung, ill at ease, impatient, irascible, irritable, keyed up*, overstrung, restive, restless, skittish, tense, touchy, uneasy, uptight.